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prophetic communication

Resume group I
Critiquing Critical Theory: Prophetic Communication Approach
Critical theory is a form of alternative discourses in the face of community development, particularly in the development of social science. Basically klasifikatif critical theory can be classified as neo Marxist, although there is a philosophical debate that considers critical theory is a theory not a Marxist anymore. As the founder of Marxist theory, Marx posited a thought that we often refer to as "economic determinism". In subsequent developments, the idea of ​​economic determinism is often criticized from various schools including neo Marxists themselves. But instead of thinking of economic determinism which is the root of neo Marxist thought (frankfurt school, cultural studies, post-modernist) is. In Islam is seen as the basic theory of the birth of critical social science, communications prophetic. In this context, prophetic ethics will be placed to complement a lack of critical theory.
Characteristic of the theory of public criticism is that the theory starts from the inspiration of social thought of Karl Marx, but also exceeds building Marxist ideological and even left some of the key themes of Marx and the advanced industrial societies face problems in new and creative. Most critical theory developed by the Frankfurt school of more humanistic. This critically theory actually trying to find the reality behind the reality of actual media in constructing culture.

Resume group II
"Contextualization Prophetic Communication in Industrial Society"

Industrial society is a society that produces media through several stages of development. Contribution which can be prophetically kominikasi of industrial society is the application of ethical values ​​which the process of humanization in accordance with the letter of At-Tin verses 5-6, "expect people to not be enslaved by the technology of their own making".
There are several solutions that can be given by prophetic communication on the issue, namely:
Applying the prophetic values ​​(humanisai, liberation, transcendence) in the media industry, by taking part in the media itself and affect the measures taken by the media manager.
Offer a scholarship that fibers with the values ​​and pro-humanity to create Khairul ummah and a perfectionist and Communitarian science.

Resume group III
"Contributions to the Science Communication Communication prophetic"

The main pillar is the humanization of prophetic communications, liberation, and transcendence, with the understanding that:
Humanization: humanization goal is to humanize humans. We know that we are now undergoing a process of dehumanization because of our industrial society as part of the abstract without a human face. We experience the objectification when in the midst of the political machinery and machinery markets. Science and technology has also helped the reductionistic tendency to see human beings by way of partial (Kuntowijoyo, 2006:87)
Liberation: The goal of liberation is the liberation of structural poverty dai cruelty, and extortion keangkuhanteknologi abundance. We are united by their poor taste, they are trapped in a technocratic consciousness and those who tergususr by economic giant. Together we are intending to break free from the fetters of our own wake ((Kuntowijoyo, 2006:88). Liberation in prophetic communication is also not the same as the libertarian philosophy underlying the various new conception of human nature in relation to the state. Liberation in communication prophetic ethical to give a correction tehadap libertarian. According to libertarian free man scientifically and equal to each other, before they voluntarily give up freedom to the government (Syahputra, 2007:129)
Transcendence: The goal is to clean themselves by recalling that has become part of the transcendental nature of humanity. Humanization effort, and liberation must be carried out as a manifestation of faith in God because God commanded people organize social life in a fair (Syahputra, 2007:129).
Prophetic communication with humanization, Liberation, and transcendence has an important role in the process of communication in society. Communication has been very anthropocentric to override the function of God led the people, especially media players become uncontrollable. Communication prophetic soul of a conscious desire trensendensional in each individual so that the later process of communication that takes place is unusual and does not harm humans themselves.

Resume a group of four
"The Case of the Bali Bombing in Perspective Religion, Law, and Communication Prophetic"

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