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Introduction of communication technology


Lecturer: True Prayudi

Every human being will not likely be able to live alone and always will need is aid others in living their life in the world
In order to place a harmonious life in human groups, so people need to exchange information
Exchange information or news that runs smoothly and continuously referred to as Communication
Communication comes from the Latin: communis = the same (common).Communication means we each try to hold something in common (commoness) with others. This means that we're trying to give information, or opinions to others.And another person (the recipient) is trying to understand the information content of the information it receives
Communication technology
Is the result of human engineering and systems that are used as a transmission medium to convey ideas, messages, or ideas to others
Example: Radio, Television, Telephone, Fax, Computer, Internet
Types of Communication
Judging from the tools and devices used in human communication, then communication can be divided into:
Akoptika communication is communication that uses acoustics (sound) with the goal of the ear and the senses at once using optics (optics, with a goal in vision.
This type of communication is done using tools that are simple and conventional, such as whistles, sound kentongan, and so on which can be heard by human ears, and flames, and smoke signals, which can be seen with the eye senses
Graphic communication is communication that uses the tools in print, so as to produce printed materials / written as newspapers, magazines, books, etc.
Communication of this type are often referred to as the written communication
Electronic communication is communication using electronic devices or telecommunication devices such as radio, television, telephone, telex, fax, etc.
Cyber ​​Communications is a communications medium that uses the Internet as a communication tool. Included is Eelektronik Mail, Mailing List, Online News, chat, VOIP, etc.

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