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Linking Drama Education The Prophetic

With regard to prophetic values ​​of education, there is a presumption that menyatakann that many of the links between plays prophetic message to the world of education. For the lovers of art (literature), recognized or not, a drama contains a moral message that can be absorbed. While the moral values ​​most important part of education and also in one of the most important prophetic message plays.

Plays a literary work (of art), which as one of educational media to convey moral messages. Here, the drama can be either a script and staging can also be intangible. In manuscript form, the parties involved is the author and reader. In the form of staging, the parties involved quite a lot. At least there is the author of the script (if staging is based on the script), crew staging (ie, among others, performer, director, composer, arranger and artistic), and the audience.

Besides that, the drama than as entertainment for the spectators is contained in it that carried educational value, because the spectacle is not just tononan but a guide for every fan. And plays not only as a reading material to eliminate the boredom and fatigue, but the delivery of messages to be a space of reflection for the reader. Or drama plays itself a call, call, giving the news, and space awareness or understanding. This is as it is called by God Almighty. in the Qur'an, 'Call (humans) to the path of your Lord with wisdom and good lessons and bantahlah them in a good way "(An-Nahl: 125)

While understanding according to S. Nasution require thinking, therefore more difficult than on knowledge. [1] stratified according to their own understanding of the difficulty level, the understanding can with words alone, can also be an ability to interpret a theory / view the consequences / implications, or extrapolate from something. Then the drama as a medium of education, of course not only menontonkan something something. However, a space of reflection or understanding any of terlingkup in it.

Plays or drama as a medium of supposedly able to penetrate to the readers and fans. As according to Gagne, the media are different types of components in the environment of students (students) who can stimulate her to learn. Meanwhile, Briggs argues that the media is a physical tool that can present the message and stimulate students to learn. [2] And the students or the students in the drama script readers and fans.

Associated with it, the progress of science and technology encourages people to continue to develop what the necessities of life. Education is one of basic human needs. Various tools teachers use to convey messages to students through the teaching of sight and pendengaraannya verbalisme best to avoid going to happen, because the learning process that only uses a lot of verbal language or understanding the concept of cause errors that students interpreted.

Teaching and learning process is essentially a communication process that processes information from the source through the channel / media specific to the recipient. Messages, source, channel / media and the recipient are the components of communication process, the message to be communicated is that the content of teaching or education in the curriculum, the source of the message to teachers, students, other people or books (manuscripts), education and media channels the message recipient is also a student or teacher, or also plays and drama. Here it can be said that the drama is more effective in conveying the message, because it contains a verbal and visual methods as well.

Message content of teaching and training of existing teachers in the curriculum outlined atan other sources into the symbols of communication both verbal symbols (words spoken or written) as well as a symbol of non-verbal or visual (such as staging and other dramatizations). In the process sometimes works and sometimes penafsiraan it did not work. Interpretation that failed or less successful means failure or kekurangberhasilan in understanding what is at the hear, read, seen or observed.

Visual aids in teaching the concept of visual means any drawings, models, objects, or a dramatization of tools that provide a real visual experience to the students.Visual tool aims to:

Introducing, shaping, enriching, and clarify the concept or abstract concepts to students.
Develop the desired attitudes.
Encourage more student activities, and so forth.
The concept of visual instruction is based on the assumption that the abstract notions that can be presented more concrete. Pengkonkretan visual teaching still remains useful. In addition, visual teaching movement concepts introduced two kinds of other ideas that are still used, namely: first, the importance of grouping the types of visual aids used in instructional activities. Secondly, the need to integrate visual materials into the curriculum so that its use is not integral (integrated teaching materials). [3]

Six basic functions of teaching aids in teaching and learning [4]:

As a tool to achieve effective teaching and learning situations.
As one of the elements that must be developed by the teacher.
As an integral part of the objectives and learning materials, teaching aids should be relevant to both.
As one of the elements that can attract students' attention.
As one element to accelerate the learning process and assist students in grasping the meaning of the teacher.
As one element to maintain the memory of students, so the lessons have a high value.
Our bodies have a communications network, which connects one network to another network. Communication network is similar to the telephone network.Telephone network has a control center. Similarly, we have a central communication system controllers, namely the brain and spinal cord. Brain functions such as automatic central system of tele-phone communication. While the nerves or nerve cords function like a telephone cord. Nerve is a combination of nerve cells. Communications received messages receptor (receiver stimuli) amended and sent in the form of nerve impulses [5].

So, the message contained in a drama or a drama script itself is inseparable from the educational message. Drama is a drama script or media, and education is a value that should be deployed or called for. This message is a prophetic message of education (see previous sub-chapter), which is often delivered in a drama. Which moral values ​​and character, role model, role model, as well as the implied value of godlike in social reality. (Continued ......)

[1] See S. Nasution, Technology Education, (Bandung, CV. Jemmars, 1987)

[2] Read Arief S. Sadiman, et. all., Media Education: Definition, Development, and Utilization, (Bandung, Rosda Youth Work, 1990).

[3] Nana Sudjana, Teaching Technology, (London, New Light, 1989)

[4] Nana Sudjana, Basics of Teaching and Learning, (Bandung, PT. Algensindo New Light, 2000).

[5] Istamar Syamsuri, et al., Junior Biological Science for Class VIII, (Jakarta, grants, 2004).

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