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Introduction to Science Communication Science Communication Resumes book An Introduction to Authorship Dedy Mulyana

Chapter 3
Principles of Communication

Functions and definitions such as communications, principles of communication are also described in various ways by communication experts. They also sometimes use other terms to refer to the principles of communication.
The principles of communication is basically a further elaboration of the definition or nature of communication:
Principle 1: Communication is the Symbolic Process
Ernst Cassirer says that human superiority over other creatures is their privilege as animal symbolicum.
Emblem or symbol is something used to point to something else, according to the consensus group of people. The emblem includes the words (verbal message), non-verbal behavior, and object whose meaning is mutually agreed.
Icon is a physical object (two or three dimensional) that resembles what dipresentasikannya.
The index is tansa that naturally present other objects. Signal (signal), which in everyday language is also called symptoms (symptom). Indices appear based on the relationship between cause and effect which have proximity existence. Facial expression is more appropriately called an index or cue of nature (natural gesture).
Coat has several properties:
- Characteristically arbitrary, arbitrary, summary or arbitrary executions
The mention of lamabang solely by consensus only. Food, grooming, housing, and employment is an example of a symbolic nature.
- Does not have any meaning, it is we who give meaning to the symbol
Actually there is no natural connection between the symbol with the referent (the object to which it refers). Some people believe that if certain numbers bring good luck or bad luck, like the number 13 which is believed to bring bad luck and 8 are good numbers.Phobias number 13 is called trisakadaikophobia. Figures also are symbolic and associated with a certain image. Humans are often more important than the nature of the symbol represents. According S.I. Hayakawa, animals fight over food and leadership, but they do not like manusia.Manusia symbols vying for the sake of a social status or recognition from others.
- Varies
Coat it varies from one culture to another, from one place to another, and from a context of time to another time context. So also the meaning given to such symbols as meaning that a person or a society diberiakan differ from culture to culture. However, the meaning given to a symbol may be changed in the course of time. Eg the 1960's people think only upper class people who own a car, but now the lower middle can have a car. Although the label BMW, Mercedes Benz and Volvo is still a symbol of wealth and social status, but the car is not a social status but a necessity.
So thanks to the ability to use symbols, both in the encoding or encoding and forth, people can share experiences and knowledge, not only between those who are equally present, even among those who live far away and never see each other, or between the parties different generations.

Principle 2: Every Behaviour Has Potential Communications
We can not not communicated, the communication of meaning 'just happen' if one member on the behavior of others or their own behavior. It's hard not to do the communication for each behavior has the potential to be interpreted.
For example, silence can be interpreted not understand but can also be interpreted by other people agree. Since each individual has particularly different perception of something that judged.
Principle 3: Content and Communication Got Dimension Relationships Dimensions
The dimensions of the content encoded verbally. The dimensions of the contents shows the charge (content) communication, ie what is said
Relationships encoded in nonverbal dimension. The dimensions of the relationship shows how to say that it also suggests how the relationship of the participants of communication and how the message should be interpreted.
Words that are not enjoyable with the sound quality is not fun it's called sarcasm, while unpleasant words with tone menyeangkan called joke (joke).
In mass communication, the content dimension refers to the contents of the message while the dimensions of the relationship refers to other elements including the type of channel used to convey the message.
Marshall McLuhan said the medium is the message, even though the statement was too berebihan (deterministic).

Principle 4: Communication Held in Various Levels deliberate
Communication is done in various levels of the tidakdisengaja intent to actually planned or realized. Limiting communication as a deliberate process is regarded as an instrument of communication. In communicating, our consciousness is usually higher in specific situations than in routine situations. For example how do we show our facial expressions, body posture and gestures of the body which will display.
All behaviors performed by automated communication actors to convey the message.Communication has occurred when the interpretation has taken place regardless of whether you menyengaja behavior or not. Sometimes intentional communication made to appear by accident by some people. Thus, intentions or intentional misconduct is not a requirement for a person to communicate mutak.

Principle 5: Communication Occurs in the Context of Space and Time
Meaning of the message also depends on the context of physic and space (including climate, temperature, light intensity, etc.), time, social, and psychological. The presence of others, as the social context will also affect those who communicate ornag. Influence the context of time and social context seen in a person who never smiles greet you and treat sudden your lunch. Psychological atmosphere of communication participants no doubt also affect the atmosphere of communication.So someone must memeilih time to communicate because sometimes when he used less effective, in fact tend to hurt yourself. Suppose a child is complaining a little pocket money when his father just got home from work and had just dimarahin out by his boss that day.

Principle 6: Communication Engage Communication Participants predication
            Communication is also bound by rules or manners. That is, the people chose a particular strategy based on how the person receiving peasan will respond.PRINCIPLE This can diaasumsikan of regularity in the behavior of human communication. In other words, human behavior, at least partially predictable. If all human behavior is random, always unexpectedly, then our lives will be difficult.

Principle 7: Communications Characteristically Systemic
      Each individual is a living system (a living system). At least two basic systems that operate in transaction communications: System Internal and External Systems.
            Internal system: the whole system of values ​​brought by the individual when he participated in the communication, which he absorbed in different social environments. Other terms that are identical to the internal system is the reference frame (frame of reference), field experience (field of experience), cognitive structures (congnitive structure), mindset (thinking patterns), the internal state (internal states), or attitude (Attitude ).
In essence, these internal systems form a unique individual.
            External system: composed of elements in the environment outside the individual. But because each individual has a different internal system, then everyone will have the same perceptual field.
So communication is a product of the fusion between internal systems and external systems. Environment and objects affects our communication, but our perception of our environment also influences the way we behave. Communication environments where participants were part of a larger system of another. This principle is closely related to principle number five earlier.

Principle 8: The more Similar Socio-cultural Background The Communications Efektiflah
Effective communication is the communication that results in accordance with the expectations of the participants. The similarities in things tertentuakan encourage people to be attracted and in turn due to the similarity of their communication more effective. The meaning of a message, either verbal or nonverbal, basically culture bound.

Principle 9: Communication Characteristically Nonsekuensial
The truth is two-way communication. Suppose in fact meeting the communication goes both ways, because the people who we consider to be a listener or receiver of the message is actually also a "speaker" or its message at the same time, namely through their nonverbal behavior.
Some communications experts recognize the nature of circular or two-way communication, eg, Frank Dance, Kincaid and they call Schramm communication model between people who converge, and Tubbs who uses one and the communicator communicator 2 for both parties to communicate it.
Circular communication characterized by:
- People who communicate are considered equivalent (they send and receive messages at the same time).
- Process runs mutual communication (two way), no longer characterized by a straight line is linear (one-way).
- In practice, we no longer distinguish the messages with feedback.
- Communications occurring sebenarrnya much more complicated. Actually simultaneously involves communication with oneself (thinking) as a mechanism to respond to the other party.
            Despite the circular nature, the elements of communication process is actually not a rigid pattern. These elements are not in an order that is linear, circular, helical or other order. Therefore, the nature nonsekuensial aih circularly seems more than appropriate to be used to mark the communication process.

Principle 10: Communication Prosesua Characteristically, Dynamic, and Transactional
Communication is a continuous process (continuous). Communication as a process analogous to the statement of Heraclitus six centuries before Christ that the "One human family will never step on the same river twice" At the second it is not the same phenomenon.
The fact that words do not change in the course of time setting blind us to the fact that reality has changed. The world is changing more quickly than words. So in human life, never at the same time come twice. Communication occurs at a time and then become part of our history.
In the communication process, participants communication influence each other, no matter how small that influence, either through verbal communication or through nonverbal communication. The participants of communication are interconnected so that we can not consider one without considering the others.
All the communication model is actually a "photo shoot" for silent picture of the process.
Implicit communication as a dynamic process and transactional communication is that the participants changed (from just changing the knowledge to change the world view and behavior).
Implicit in the communication process as this transaction is the process of encryption (encoding) and encoding back (decoding). Although in theory it can be separated, sebernarnya occur simultaneously, not alternately.
Dynamic and transactional view stresses that you experience the change as a result of communication.
Thus, transactional perspective member emphasis on two properties of communication events, ie simultaneously and influence each other.

Principle 11: Communication is irreversible
A behavior is an event. Therefore an event, the behavior takes place in time and can not be "taken back". The English have a saying "To forgive but not to forget" (we can forgive the mistakes of others, but never forget dating). Iireversible properties are the implications of communication as a process that is always changing. This should realize that we must be careful to convey messages to others. Curtis et al, saying that pertamaitu tend lasting impression.
Principle 12: Communication is not panacea for Solving Problems
Many human problems and conflicts caused by problems with communication, but communication is not a panacea (cure) to resolve the issue or conflict.
Possible problems and conflicts are related to structural problems. In order for effective communication is the structural constraints must also be addressed.
Effective communication will not occur if there is economic inequality and discrimination.

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