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Definition of Media Research | Media Research Function | Usefulness of Research Media | Example - example of the Media Research

• Definition of Media Research
Science is always searching for or researching for a problem that exists and can be seen from the media.
Sources: Notes Pa.Kunto
While the media word comes from the Latin medius which literally means the middle, intermediate, or an introduction. but penegertian media in the process tends to be interpreted as pemebelajaran graphics tools, photographic or electronic to catch, process, and reconstruct the visual or verbal information.
A. Research Eksploratoris
Eksploratoris research is research that has the purpose to gain information, insight, knowledge, ideas, ideas, understanding, and so forth in an attempt to formulate and define problems, develop hypotheses, and can proceed with further research that is more advanced.
The properties of exploratory research:
- Research results is tentative
- Aims to better understand the root causes
- Can proceed with further research a more serious
- The process is not well-structured research
- Analysis of primary data with small sample
- Basic information berdifat flexible
Examples of research eksploratoris:
- Interview or in-depth interviews
- FGD / focus group discussion / group discussion
- A case study that has ever happened
- Analysis of secondary data
- Survey to the experts
B. Research conclusively
Conclusive research is the kind of research where the primary purpose of testing a hypothesis or a particular relationship.
The properties of exploratory research:
- Research results are conclusive
- Aims to test the hypothesis of a relationship or
- The research results are typically used for decision making
- The process of formal and well-structured research
- Quantitative data analysis with large sample
- The basic information required has been prepared
Conclusive Research can be divided into two kinds, namely:
1. Descriptive Research
Descriptive research is research that aims to depict or describe a character / characteristics or function of something. In this research required detailed information 6W is why, Pls, who, what, where and way. Examples of descriptive research is like how consumer perceptions of mobile phone service mobile fren-8.
2. Causal Research
Causal research is research that aims to determine the relationship of a causal / causal of a thing. Examples of how the relationship between the price of fuel / fuel oil to the number of motorcycle users.
Understanding Research:
Research is a term Indonesia which is a translation of the vocabulary of research (English Idioms), which Indonesianized with research. Re meaningful return, while the search meaningful look. Research and literally means looking back.
According to Webster's New International:
Research is a careful investigation and critical in finding the facts and the principles of an investigation to establish something very clever.
According Hillway (1956):
The study is a method of study that someone through careful investigation and perfect to a problem, in order to obtain the proper solution to the problem; "a method of study by Greenwich through the careful and exhaustive investigation of all acertainable evidence bearing upon a definable problem, We reach a solution to That problem ".
Whitney (1960) cites some definitions:
* Research is searching for something (inquiry) systematically with emphasis that the search was conducted on the problems solved (Parsons, 1946).
* The study is a controlled or directed transformation of the situation known in the facts available to him and his relationship (Dewey 1936).
* Research is a method to find the truth which is also a critical thinking (critical thinking). Research include providing the definition and redefinition of the problem, formulate a hypothesis or answer a while, make conclusions and at least conduct a careful testing of all the conclusions to discover whether it fits with the hypothesis (Woody, 1927)
Then Whitney concluded:
In addition to obtaining the truth, probing work must also be seriously in a long time.Thus, research is a method to find the truth, so research is also a method to think critically.
The characteristics of the study according to Gee (1957):
1. existence of a search, penelidikan or investigation of new knowledge, or at least a new arrangement or interpretation (interpretation) of the new knowledge arising.
2. view must be critical and procedures have to be perfect
3. aktifits more focused on the search (search) rather than a retrieval
Conclusion Mohammad. Nazir:
Research is a quest for knowledge and constant pemberiartian against something.
According to Winarno Surakhmat:
Research is the scientific activities of the new knowledge gathered from primary sources, with the purpose of pressure on the general principles of the invention, and holding a prediction of generalization beyond the sample under investigation.
•] The function of the Media Research
Sources: Notes Pa.Kunto
Online Media Research
Internet has long been known in our country. But believe it or not, has never been an independent agency that started listing various matters relating to the online world.The most fundamental research may be obtained from APJII. From here we can at least know the number of Internet users in Indonesia. But even then, only be an estimate made in 2005.
Brand associated with the increasing number of online campaigning, there should be things that you can learn more from each campaign. Unfortunately, there is no independent agency began research on this subject. AC Nielsen Indonesia had never done. Their focus is currently still in print and electronic media.
What do many manufacturers and agencies in Indonesia with its various online campaigns are generally conducted limited trial and error. In every activity of his online campaign, which so is the experience of the previous benchmark. If the first program like this campaign, then the result like this. If for example, done in different ways, the result would be like this. No benchmarks are the same in each measurement.
Each manufacturer and the agency maintain the confidentiality of the data respectively. This also makes it difficult standardization of measurements. This is where actually needed an independent research institute. Should agencies like AC Nielsen already has a method of measurement, because the AC Nielsen in the U.S. had done research like this before. They live adapting it to local needs in Indonesia.
Progress in Indonesia's online activities will not be separated from research and supporting data. For example, in a clear way we can guess the most frequently performed activities of Internet users in Indonesia. However, because not supported by valid data, rather difficult for us to convince the prospective manufacturers and investors how important they invest in activities in cyberspace.
Apart from the absence of an independent agency began research in the online world, who knows there fellow student who had just conducted a study about the online world the final task? Whatever it is research, it helps if we can learn together. So, if there are colleagues who have done research online in any form, if kind enough to send it to the Media Idea. PDF will be created for him, and will be placed on the download page.
Electronic Media Research study falls into two main categories:
• Research rating and
• Research nonrating.
Research Ratings:
When radio became popular in the 1920s, and advertisers began to see its potential to attract customers, they face the problem of measuring the amount of audience.Unlike the print media, which has a circulation figures are clear, the electronic media did not have sufficient audience data, except guesstimate. Voluntary Letter of radio listeners is the first data source, but the volunteers obviously do not represent a general audience.
From here, becoming known study of ratings by taking samples from the audience.This rating is to study the times to come will still continue to be used, but there are some fundamental things to note about the rating system:
Rating is just the approach or estimates of the size of the audience. This rating does not measure the quality of the program or opinion about the program.
Rating not be used as ingredients in the same grip. Companies rating different gauges could produce different ratings figures, for the same market at the same time period.
Research Non-Rating:
Although the audience rating is the most striking research data used by the broadcast media, broadcast stations, production houses, advertisers and broadcast consultant using also various other methodologies.
Non-Rating Research provides information about what is liked and not liked by the audience, analyze various types of programming, as well as demographic and lifestyle info audiences, and much more.
All information is intended to equip decision-makers in the media industry with information, which can remove "approach about." Research non-rating can not solve all the problems faced by the broadcasters, but can be used to support decision making.
Testing Program:
One way of Non-Rating Research is Testing Program (program testing). Research today has become an accepted part in the development and production programs and commercial advertising. It has become common practice to test this at every stage of production follows.
Due to the large and commercial programs are usually very expensive, then the producer and director wish to collect the initial reaction to the planned project. It is ridiculous, to spend a lot of money for projects that will only attract small audiences.
One way to gather preliminary data is to make a short statement that summarizes the explanation of a particular program or commercial advertisements, and show it on the subject. Subjects asked for his opinion about the idea that program, as well as whether they are interested in watching it or want to buy a product based on the information brief. The result could be an indication, whether the program or commercial that will be successful or not.
If the level of ideas are accepted or considered good, they invented a model or simulation. Media hardware is often referred to as rough cuts, storyboards, photomatics, animatics, or executions. Rough cut is the production of a very simple (simplistic), usually using amateur actors, with little or no editing at all, and the makeshift set. Another model is a photograph, picture or scene that is designed to provide a basic idea of ​​the program or commercial is for anyone who wants to see it.
Rough cut was tested, with production costs that are not expensive. This test gives information about the script (the script), characterization, character relationships, settings, cinematic approach, and overall appeal. This stage is generally not immediately able to tell what's so wrong, if it turns out the attraction is less, but most can not give an indication if something is wrong.
The following stages, when the final product is finished, post-production research (post-production research) can be done. The finished product is tested in the mini theater, or in the shopping center, at the residence of the subject, or by phone (in terms of radio advertising).
This research, for example, could conclude that the ending of a program can not be accepted audience, and must be re-edited or re-shooting. Many of the problems that had not seen during the production process may be known in post-production research. These data typically provides data the initial reaction of the audience to producer, to complete the finished or complete some of the product.
Source - the source:
• Compiled from various sources by: Satrio Arismunandar
• Note Pa.Kunto
• Internet on media research
• Wikipedia
• Dictionary of Indonesian

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