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Entrepreneurship and SIK (Information and Communication System)

World of entrepreneurship is closely related in our daily lives. Of entrepreneurship we utilize human philosophy of life that basically need each other. As a result of interdependence that is created can not separate one from the help of others. With entrepreneurship also gained financially excess profits on the one hand and the other parties that are interconnected. According to Thomas W. Zimmerer is the application of creativity and entrepreneurship keinovasian to solve problems and efforts to exploit the opportunities that people face every day. Andrew J Dubrin argues that entrepreneurship is a person who founded and runs an innovative effort (Entrepreneurship is a person WHO founds and Operates an innovative business).While the Peter F. Drucker argued that entrepreneurship is the ability to create something new and different (ability to create the new and different).

From the above definition of entrepreneurship, there are 3 important things that can be identified is the pursue of opportunities, innovation and growth. Pursuit of opportunities with regard to chase trends and environmental changes that others do not see and notice. Innovation, include changes to reform, transform, and introduce new approaches. Ie new products or new ways of doing business. Growth associated with growth. Post-entrepreneurs pursuing growth, they are not satisfied with a small fixed or remain the same size. Entrepreneur wants to grow his business and work hard to achieve sustainable growth while looking for trends and continue to make product innovations and new approaches.

In short entrepreneurship is a business activity related to the ability to survive from a business with a fundamental development through innovations that were created. In the corporate world of information and communication systems is extremely important role. Where information and communication systems are interrelated components, which have the ability to "collect" (input), manipulate or process (process), and disseminate (output) data and information from the treatment process. Where there is feedback in response of the input-process-output so that later achieved a goal.Proponents of information and communication systems can be either computer-based media. Thus, in the process will involve all things related to computerization, including the communications, operators and procedures designed to procure the data itself to be an information. So that information can be rolled from the ranks of the input-process-output and cause feedback.

It can be said that with the information and communication systems of a business will run smoothly, easily and quickly. Moreover, there is now the Internet media that has become our nation's culture. The perpetrators of entrepreneurs were facilitated by it, because they can use it as a medium for sharing with consumers without knowing the distance, can do a promotion with ease and most importantly they can open up business opportunities without having to set up a real factory or store them. Even today most employers make a private house as a processing plant their usual products marketed through internet media. Other than that can be interpreted also that communication is the key of success. With good communication an entrepreneur can know the market wants and can mengkondisikannya to be delivered to the workers so that the obtained results according to market demand. In the world of entrepreneurship own extensive thought needs to see things from different point of view. With that an entrepreneur can put their business in accordance with the state of the times. In addition they should have a principle to open communication by sharing with anyone. So that the various suggestions and criticisms which is a manifestation of feedback to improve what has been created.

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