In 1956 Fred Siebert, Theodore Peterson and Wilbur Schramm tries to portray the conflict between the state and the press or in their expression of 'social controlsystems underlying the adjustment of the relationship between individuals and institutions'. The result is-that became the core of this theory-in fact only two theoriesthat is authoritarian and libertarian who became a key press relations with the state.While other concepts of the Soviet Communist and Social Responsibility is a development and modification of the two main concepts.
In simple authoritarian power is sourced from absolute monarchy with a view to supporting the country and its leadership. Issues permits, the sensor is under theautocratic rule of law and. Here is not allowed to criticize or threaten the power structure. Usually owned by the ruler, atayu private party. Raised by Hobbes, Hegeland Machiavelli, and is represented by Iran, Paraguay, Nigeria.
To Libertarians emerge by Locke, Milton, Mill, Adam Smith of the rationale formencerhkan and natural rights. With the main goal is to help find the truth, inform,interpret and entertaining. The difference with the authoritarian is to determine its owneditorial and the separation between the state and the press. Media controlled by the owner in the free market of ideas and by the courts, there is no prohibition here beforeor after publication. For owners, most owners are private.
Reference: Dedy Djamaluddin Malik, Jalaludin Rakhmat, Mohammad Shoelh.International Communications.
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