Starring role in the communication process is a human. Psychologists view communication on human behavior communicant. Psychologist discusses how humans process the messages it receives, how to think and how to view human beings are influenced by the symbols they have. The focus of psychology is a communicant of human communication.
2.1. Psychology of Human Conception
The theory of persuasion based on the conception of psychoanalysis which states that man as a creature driven by pent-up desires (Homo Volens). The theory of "hypodermic needle" (mass media is very influential on human behavior) based on the concept of behaviorism, which views man as a creature driven by the environment (Homo Mechanicus). Information processing theory is formed by a conception of cognitive psychology who see humans as beings who actively organize and process the stimuli it receives (Homo sapiens). Interpersonal communication theories influenced the concept of humanistic psychology which describes human beings as active agents in transactional strategy formulated with the environment (Homo Ludens). Four of the most dominant approach to psychology is psychoanalysis, behaviorism, cognitive psychology, and humanistic psychology.
Conception of Man in Psychoanalysis
According to Sigmund Freud, human behavior is the result of interaction of the three subsystems in the human personality: Id, Ego, and Superego.
Id is the part of personality that stores biological impulses and the central
human instinct. In humans, there are two dominant instincts:
a. Libido reproductive instinct that provides the basic energy for constructive activities. Libido is referred to as the life instinct;
b. Thanatos destructive aggressive instinct. Thanatos is referred to as the death instinct. All human motives is the union of libido and Thanatos. My move is based on the principle of pleasure (pleasure principle), which is eager to meet his needs. In other words, the id is the animal nature of man.
2. The ego is the mediator between the desires with the demands of rational animal and human causes realistik.Egolah able to subdue the animal desires and to live as rational beings (in a normal person). Ego moves based on the principle of reality (reality principle).
3. Superego is the conscience (conscience) which is the internalization of social norms and cultural community. Superego forces the ego to suppress desires no different to the subconscious.
Id and superego are in the human subconscious. Ego is in the middle, between the urge to meet the id and superego regulation. In short, in the psychoanalysis of human behavior is an interaction between biological components (id), a psychological component (ego), and social components (superego); or animal element, rational, and moral (animal, outsmart, and value).
Human Conception in Behaviorism
Behaviorism analyze the behavior of visible, which can be measured, described, and predictable. Behaviorist theory is also known by the name of learning theory. Learning means that changes in human behavior is caused by environmental influences. From there arises the concept of "human machine" (Homo Mechanicus).
According to the empiricist, at the time of birth will have no "mental colors".Psychologically, this means that all human behavior, personality, and temperament is determined by sensory experience (sensory experience). Thoughts and feelings are not the cause but the behavior is caused by past behavior.
Hedonism saw man as a creature that moves to meet his needs, seek pleasure and avoid pain. Utilititarianisme view all human behavior is subject to the principle of reward and punishment. If empiricism combined with utilitarianism and hedonism, it will display what is called behaviorism (Goldstein, 1980:17).
The behaviorist stance: human beings are born without social traits or psychological; behavior is the result of experience, and behavior are driven or motivated by the need to increase pleasure and reduce pain.
Watson and Rosalie Rayner through an experiment has proved how easy it is to form or control people and give birth pelaziman classical methods (classical conditioning).Pelaziman classic is paired neutral stimuli or stimuli condition with certain stimuli (the conditioned / unconditioned stimulus) that gave birth to a certain behavior (unconditioned response).
Pelaziman other types discovered by Skinner, ie operant conditioning. Where human behavior is influenced by the confirmation process. Strengthen the process of new responses to particular stimuli associate at many times, called the confirmation (reinforcement). According to Bandura, not all behavior can be explained by pelaziman. Bandura adds the concept of social learning (social learning). According to Bandura, learning occurs because the process of impersonation (Imitation). In other words, perform a behavior is determined by the affirmation, while the potential ability to perform is determined by imitation.
Human Conception in Cognitive Psychology
In cognitive psychology, human beings are always seen as trying to understand the environment and the creatures that have always thought (Homo sapiens).
Descartes and Kant concludes that the soul (mind), which became the primary means of knowledge, not the senses. The soul is actively interpreting sensory experience: create, organize, interpret, distort and seek meaning. Humans do not respond to stimuli automatically. Men that determines the meaning of stimuli, not stimui itself.
According to Lewin, human behavior must be viewed in context. From Lewin's famous formula: B = f (P, E), means Behavior (behavior) is the result of interaction between the person (that person) with the environment (psychological environment). Lewin also created the concept of group dynamics, namely in groups, individuals become part of inter-related with other group members. Since the mid-1950s, research on attitude change developed by humans as search theoretical framework of cognitive consistency. Which man is seen as a creature who always tries to maintain constancy in belief systems and behaviors among belief systems, for example, is the theory of cognitive dissonance.
Dissonance means incompatibility between two cognitions (knowledge). Dissonance theory states that people will seek information to reduce dissonance and avoid information that adds to dissonance. In the early 1970's, dissonance theory has been criticized and emerging conception of humans as information processors. In this conception, humans shifted from people who like to seek self-justification or defense of a person who consciously solve problems. Human behavior is seen as the product of a rational information processing strategies. Examples of this perspective is the theory of attribution. This theory considers man as a naive scientist who understands human with elementary scientific method. In fact, humans are not so rational way of looking at things. Often even those judgments are based on poor data, then combined and colored by preconceptions. Where human use general principles in determining the decision. Kahneman and Tversky (1974) called the arguments of cognitive (cognitive heuristics).
Conception of Man in Humanistic Psychology
Humanistic psychology is considered as the third revolution in psychology. The first and second revolution is psychoanalysis and behaviorism. Humanistic psychology to explain the positive aspects of human existence and determine, such as love, creativity, values, meanings, and personal growth. "Humanistic psychology is not just the study of" human being "; it is a commitment to human Becoming," writes Floyd W.Matson (1973:19).
Humanistic psychology take from phenomenology and existentialism.Phenomenological view of human life in the "living world" that is perceived and interpreted subjectively. Alfreud According to Schutz, the subjective experience communicated by social factors in the process intersubyektifitas. Intersubyektifitas disclosed on existentialism in relationships with others (I-thou relationship). I-thou relationship indicates a personal relationship with the private, personal rather than with objects; subject by subject, not the subject with the object. While existentialism emphasizes the importance of individual obligation to fellow human beings. Frankl concluded assumptions of humanistic psychology: human uniqueness, importance of values and meaning, as well as the human ability to develop themselves. While the view of Carl Rogers said:
ü Every human being living in a world of personal experience in which he - the I, Me, or Myself (the I, me, or myself) - the center.
ü People behave to maintain, improve, and to actualize themselves.
ü Individuals react to situations according to the perceptions about himself and his world.
ü The presumption of a threat to themselves will be followed by a self-defense.
ü inner human tendency is toward health and wholeness itself.
2.2. Personal Factors Influencing Human Behavior
According to Edward E. Sampson (1976) there are two perspectives, namely perspective centered on the persona (person-centered perspective) and centered perspective on the situation (situation-centered perspective).
Perspective centered on the persona questioned whether internal factors, either in the form of attitudes, instincts, motives, personality, cognitive system that explains human behavior. Broadly speaking there are two factors that affect the persona-centered perspective:
a. Biological Factors
Biological factors involved in all human activities, even combined with the factors sosiopsikologis. That determines the biological heritage of human behavior. The flow of sociobiology (Wilson, 1975) looked at all of human activity comes from biological structures.
According to Wilson, social behavior is guided by rules that are programmed genetically to the human soul (epigenetic rules). Genetic structure, for example, affect the intelligence, the ability of sensations, and emotions. The nervous system regulate the brain works and processes information processing in the human soul. Hormonal system not only affects the biological mechanisms, but also psychological processes.The importance of biological influences on human behavior can be seen in two of the following:
It has been widely recognized existence of certain behaviors that are innate human, and not the influence of the environment or situation.
Recognized the biological factors that drive human behavior, which is commonly called a biological motif.
b. Factors Sosiopsikologis
Of social processes, human beings acquired the characteristics that influence
behavior, namely:
Affective Components
Affective component is the emotional aspect of sosiopsikologis factors. Affective component consists of sosiogenis motives, attitudes, and emotions.
Cognitive Component
The cognitive component is the intellectual aspect, which relates to what the human mind. Trust is the cognitive component of fakor sosiopsikologi.
Conative component conative component is volitional aspect, which is associated with habits and willingness to act. Conative component of sosiopsikologis factor consists of habits and willpower.
2.3. Situational Factors Influencing Human Behavior
Delgado concluded that the brain response is strongly influenced by the "setting" or the atmosphere surrounding the organism (Packard, 1978:45). Edward G. Sampson summarize all situational factors as follows:
I. Objective aspects of the environment
a. Ecological factors
The environmental determinism states that in natural conditions affect lifestyles and behavior. Ecological factors which include:
geographical factors
climatic and meteorological factors
b. Factors and the architectural design
An architectural design can affect the behavior of communication among people who live in certain architectural shade.
c. Temporal factors
Timing can affect human bioritma in life.
d. Analysis of the behavior of the atmosphere
Environment can provide certain effects on human behavior.
e. Technological factors
Technological revolution is often followed by a revolution in social behavior.
f. Social factors
The system defined role in a society, group and organizational structure, population characteristics, are social factors that organize human behavior. In short, pengelompokkannya are as follows:
organizational structure
System role
Structure groups
Characteristics of population
II. Psychosocial environment
Our perception of the extent of satisfying or disappointing our environment, will affect our behavior in that environment. The following are the types of psychosocial environment:
a. Organizational climate and group
b. Ethos and climate of institutional and cultural
III. Stimuli that encourage and reinforce behavior
There are situations that provide eligibility span of the behavior (behavioral appopriateness), such as the situation in the park and the situations that give constraints on behavior, such as churches. Permissive situation allows humans to do many things tapa should feel ashamed. In contrast, restrictive situations hamper whatever he wants people to behave. The types of stimuli
encourage and strengthen human behavior is:
a. Other
b. Situation driving behavior (Sampson, 1976:13-14)
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